Enoncé Anglais série C-D 1999

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 1999


ANGLAIS    –  Séries : C - D


Text : Let’s teach the young to excel.


Some London schools devise elaborate rules to ensure strict equality in treatment (...). For the best part of the decade, they have been encouraged to play down the element of competition (...).

The same educational policy excludes from a school’s timetable any subjects that could be appreciated by only the brightest pupils, which explains the decline of Latin and Greek and the creation of « soft » subjects like sociology.

It is the school’s responsibility to encourage and cultivate every child’s talents to the full. When accustomed to compete with each other in games, youngsters learn to cope with losing as well as winning, and find it easier to accept that they are not always to equal their most able classmates in academic studies. And in some cases, their competitive success in sports compensates for a relative lack of ability at school.

In attempting to eradicate inequalities of human nature, schools succeed only in denying to many children the opportunity to excel.

                                                                                              (from The Readers’Digest, 1988)



A.-       Comprehension and vocabulary                                       (7 points)

I - Here are the main ideas of the text ; fill in each blank with one word              (0,5pt x 3)

II - Choose the correct answer.                                                                             (0,5pt x 2)

1 - The author thinks that children should

a) play down the competition spirit.

b) appreciate Latin and Greek.

c) be encouraged to develop their talents.

2 - Competition in sports allows children to learn

a) that winning is the most important thing in life.

b) to accept defeat as well as victory.

c) to equal their classmates.

III -       Answer these questions                                                                              (1pt x 2)

            1 - Why are Latin and Greek in decline in schools ?

            2 - How can a youngster accept defeat ?

IV -      Say if these statements are TRUE or FALSE                                        (0,5pt x 3)

            1 - In the London schools mentioned here, all children are treated the same way.

            2 - This policy of equal treatment is new among London schools.

            3 - To the writer’s mind, equality prevents the opportunity to excel.

V -       Choose the right meaning of each word :                                                (0,5pt x 2)

            1 - « devise » means           a) invent

                                                           b) pay

                                                           c) detest

            2 - « eradicate » means      a) make an error

                                                           b) abolish

                                                           c) educate

B.-       Language Test                                                                    (7 points)

I - Grammar : Fill in the blanks with the appropriate grammatical items          (0,5pt x 6 )


            Yesterday I took my girlfriend to an expensive restaurant because I wanted to impress her. The headwaiter seated a)...... at a table near the kitchen door, so I complained  b).... he gave us a better table. In fact it was the c)..... table in the restaurant. When the wine came I refused the first bottle d)..... he gave us another one. Finally when the bill came, I reached for my wallet e)..... it wasn’t in my pocket. I f)..... pay for the bill !


II - Language functions                                                                                                       (4 pts)


Sue has just seen a job advertisement in the newspaper and decides to phone the company.

- A voice :                  Woolworths. Can I help you ?

- Sue :                        Good morning, madam. My name is Susan Brooks and I’d like to speak to the Personnel Manager, please.

- Same voice :           Yes, certainly. If you’ll wait a minute, I’ll put you through to him.

                                    (A moment later)

- Another voice :        Hello, Miss Brooks. .............................

- Sue :                        Good morning, Mr. Adams. Could I bother you with a few questions about the job of shop assistant, please ?

- Mr. Adams :            ........... . I’m here for that. ................ ?

- Sue :                        I’d like to know about the working hours, and the wages.

- Mr Adams :             ................. ?

- Sue :                        All right, Mr. Adams. I’ll come on Wednesday morning then.


C.-       Writing.                                                                                 (6 points)

            One evening, on your way home, you witnessed a car accident.

Tell about it in not more than 30 words.

Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:38