Enoncé Anglais série C-D 2003

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 2003


anglais    –  Séries : C - D




Raising children is among modern parents’ complaints nowadays. On one hand, children dare say that they are the victims of cruel education ; on the other hand, parents believe that they raise their children willingly and heartily. So, it is very difficult for children and youths to get on well with their parents. What should be done ?

If children rearing practices are not ideal, children will turn out badly. Some youngsters caught in an overly protective controlled family may rebel against their confinement in antisocial ways. Often, their acts are misguided ways of seeking independence or there may be manifestations of anger at parents.

It has also been said that it is bad for children to have a mother who is employed or to grow up in a single parent family. They will suffer from lack of affection. Some students also suggest that children treated violently grow up to be violent adults. Some children will survive under the harshest circumstances but parents should recognize that children are not slaves and their rights must be protected. We are far removed from the old days when a father had the right to put his child to death . . .





I Re-order the following ideas as they appear in the text                    (1 point)

a)The absence of one of the parents results in the absence of love for the children

b)Parents and children disagree with one another

c)Using physical strenght on children will make them brutal in their future life

d)Children react negatively against the strict way they were brought up.


1 –Choose the best answer                                                                       (1 point)

‘‘children will turn out badly’’ means :

a)they will have good characters

b)they will behave correctly

c)they will behave awfully.

2 –Answer the question                                                                            (1 point)

Why is raising children among parent’s complaints nowadays ?


IIIFind in the text the equivalents of :                                                      (1 point)

a)imprisonment (2nd paragraph)

b)searching (2nd paragraph)


IVSay if these statements are True or False. Justify your answer.                  (1 point)

a)Children in a broken family lack affection.

b)Father has always had the right to put his child to death.


V Answer the following question.                                                             (2 points)

  ‘‘children dare say that they are victims of cruel education’’.

Do you agree on this statement or not ? Give your reasons.


B – GRAMMAR IN USE                     (2 points)


Fill in the appropriate grammatical items.

Jim arrived home and discovered that he had forgotten his door key. He rang the bell, _____(1)_____ nobody came to open the door. He rang again and waited, but still _____(2)_____ was no answer. He walked round the house to see _____(3)_____ he could find an open window, but _____(4)_____ were all locked.





1 –Imagine and re-write in full sentences the following dialogue which took place in a classroom.                                                                                  (1 point)

Paul :  Rubber ?

Jack :  Sorry    !  At home !


2 –Complete the following dialogue                                                           (3 points)

Alex   :       I haven’t been feeling very well these days. My muscles are refusing to obey me. I seriously  think I’m getting old !

Philip          :  . . . . . . . . . .

Alex   :  That’s a good piece of advice, but what sort of muscular exercise ?

Philip  : Well, my wife and I go jogging at the stadium every morning.          . . . . . . . . . . ?

Alex  :  Of course I will. Your invitation is very welcome !

Philip :  All right. But . . . . . . . . . .

Alex  : Oh, don’t worry. It’s no problem for me to wake up at five o’clock.



D – WRITING                                    (7 points)


Electronic games are doing harm to young people. Do you agree on it ?. Give reasons (80 words)


Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:37