Enoncé Anglais série C-D 2004

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 2004


anglais    –  Séries : C D


TEXT :            Is it so bad to have a fever ?

            Can a fever be good for you ? Research suggests that infants who experience fever before their first birthday are less likely to suffer from allergies later in life.

            Early infections protect against later allergies by boosting the immune system. The thinking is that because modern cleanliness has deprived children of exposure to germs, it has made them more prone to allergies and asthma….

            “ But this should not stop parents from taking care of their children when they are ill,” adds Dr Keiko Williams, the study’s lead researcher. “ Fever can be dangerous, and we encourage parents to give their child medication if he or she has a rectal temperature of 38.3C or greater.”…….

            Raising the body temperature helps to kill the invading virus or bacteria as well as increasing the metabolic activity of the white blood cells that fight infections. -………….-

            Many adults tend to reach for medication as soon as temperature rises above 37C. However, that may not always be the best reaction. A small increase should not be of concern because temperatures can be affected by stress, room temperature and exertion, and also fluctuate throughout the day ( they are usually highest at night). Temperatures differ depending on the way they are measured ( via the mouth, ear, rectum or under arms), while children’s temperature rises and falls more quickly than adults’, perhaps because their immune systems are not yet properly developed.

                                               In “your symptoms diagnosed” by Laurence Gerlis.

                                               In The Times, February 17Th 2004 ( page 10)

Footnote :  To boost = to develop.




A°-   READING COMPREHENSION                  (7 points)

          I°-   Re-order the following ideas as they appear in the text                      (1 point)

a)      Parents treat their children when their temperature rises a bit.

b)      The temperature of room and stress may have an influence on the body’s temperature.

c)      Children’s immune systems are not yet mature.

d)      A fever may benefit the children’s immune system.

         II°-  Say if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Justify your answer (1 point)

1-      Modern cleanliness has exposed children to microbes.

2-      When a child’s temperature rises above 38,3C, he should be given medicines.

        III°-  Multiple choice questions: Choose the correct answer                        (1 point)

1-      “ A small increase should not be of concern” means :

a)    Adults should not worry when children’s temperature increases a little.

b)    Adults should not be indifferent when children’s temperature  increases a little.

c)     Adults should worry when children’s temperature increases a little.

d)Adults should take into account the small increase in children’s temperature.

2-      The article says that :

a)    Children’s temperatures increase as quickly as adults’

b)    Children’s temperatures take more time to increase and decrease than adults’

c)     Children’s temperatures change more quickly than adults’

d)     Children’s temperatures decrease as quicky as adults’

        IV°- Find in the text.                 (1 point)

1-      The opposite of : dirtiness

2-      The synonym of : medicines

        V°-  Answer the questions        (3 points)

1-      What is the advantage of having an early infection for a child ?                                   (0,5 points)

2-      Give two different ways of measuring the body’s temperature.                                   (0,5 points)

3-      According to the text, modern cleanliness has made children more exposed to allergies. Do you agree or disagree ? Why ?                                                                                 (2 points)


       B-    GRAMMAR IN USE                               (2 points)

                   Fill in the blanks  with appropriate grammatical words :

Your success depends……1……..your own efforts. You will succeed ……2……….you work hard. Some students spend most of their ……3……….. playing without thinking of ……4…….future life.


       C-   INDIRECT TEST OF SPEAKING          (4 points)

               I°-   Complete the dialogue                                                                      (3 points)

                        Interviewer : ……………, please. ….………….?

                        Katie : Katie King.

                        Interviewer : ………………………….?

                        Katie : From California

Interviewer : ………………………….?

                        Katie : I’ m a journalist.

                        Interviewer : ………………………….?

                        Katie : I work for a radio station.

                        Interviewer : ………………………….?

                        Katie : Yes, I do. It’s  an interesting job.

              II°-   Match the sentences in column A with those in collumn B             (1 point)


A                                                                    B

              1 - Will you join us for dinner ?                         a) I quite agree with you.

                                                                           b) I’d like to, but I really can’t stay any longer.

  2 - Could you do me a favour ?                         c) That’s a good idea.

    d) That depends on what it is.


     D-   WRITING                                                    (7 points)

              You have seen the following statement about computer use in a newspaper.


“ Computers are at the same time useful and harmful.”


               Do you agree or disagree with it ? Give your opinion in about 80 words.


Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:37