Enoncé Anglais série A 2000

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 2000


anglais    –  Série : A



Computers in the third world


Computers are on their way to invading the Third World. Although the poor countries are considered technologically lagging tens of years behind compared to advanced countries, they cannot avoid looking at computers.

These brain-machines are, as we know, very profitable to the users : their rapidity and their technical capacity have made them an important partner for finance executives*, factories, transport, chemistry and medical care in very technologically - advanced countries which are able to pay for them.

Rapid world economic and technical development do not allow any country in the world to overlook computers. Business people who need rapid results or want to know the present state of their book-keeping find them very necessary. Many small or medium-sized companies begin using them, too.

Although their prices are going down, high-performing computers are still beyond the purse of many who should use them in their work.

Anyway, these machines have now proved of great necessity for our modern and technical age.

Many important fields and executives find them indispensable for the correct and rapid fulfilment of their task. Banks are frequently the first to use them for the satisfaction of their clientele. Competitivity in business is now partly based on the use of computers in factories.


*An executive: “Un cadre”, “un chef de service”.




I.         Reading comprehension                                                                                                       (7 pts)

A.        Find in the text words or expressions which mean:                                                       (0,5 pt x 2)

a.                 Associate

b.                 Expensive

B.        Say if these statements are True, False, or ING (Information Not Given). If false, correct it.                                                                                                                                 (0,5 pt x 2)

1.                 Computers have become essential in the world of business.

2.                 People who invented computers were lazy.

C.        Choose the right answer                                                                                                      (0,5 pt x 2)

1.                 In the use of computers, Third World countries are :

a.      quite advanced

b.      quite late

c.      as late as advanced countries

d.      very advanced


2.                 a.   Even if computers are getting cheaper, many can’t afford them.

b.   Computers can be bought although their prices are getting higher.

c.        Since their prices are high, many companies can afford computers.

d.        There are high-performing computers on the market and many can afford them.

D.        Answer the following questions                                                                        (1 pt x 2)

1.                  Why are computers very profitable to their users in developed countries?

2.                  Why are computers indispensable to business people?

E.        The sentences below are a summary of the ideas in each paragraph, but they have been scrambled. Arrange them as they are presented in the text.                       (2 pts)

§         Computers do a lot of service in various domains.

§         Nowadays, competition in business has made computers indispensable.

§         Developing countries are technologically late, however they cannot overlook computers.

§         Rapid development makes the use of computers necessary.


II.        Language test                                                                                                                         (6 pts)

A.                Grammar

Fill in with the appropriate grammatical items                                                                   (2 pts)

What I’m going to tell you about happened recently. Two weeks …, I went to the disco with some friends … asking for my Dad’s permission; … when I was back home the next morning, he said angrily that he … waited … me all night, adding that if I had not returned by two o’clock, he … gone to the police. … then, I have no more … given permission to go out at weekends.

B.        Language functions                                                                                                               (4 pts)

Complete the following dialogue

Carol: You know, Kate, I and Rick have decided to get married at last.

Kate:  Rick? I don’t know him. ………………………..…………………. ?

Carol: Of medium height, with blue eyes and a rather long nose. He’s a doctor.

Kate:  You’re lucky, Carol. Bill has left me. I think I can’t love anybody any more. I wish ……………………………………………………………………….. .

Carol: Don’t say that. Come to my wedding and I’ll introduce you to my cousin Gerry. He’s very nice. It’s just in a month. On 25 July.

Kate:  ……………………………………………………………………..….

Carol: What a pity! I know you’re a good cook. What would you advise me for dessert that day ?

Kate:  ………………………………………………………………………..


III.      Writing                                                                                                                                      (7 pts)

A friend who lives abroad will soon be visiting you. Write a letter telling him (or her) about the weather at the moment and the clothes that would be suitable.

(About 60 words)


Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:37