Enoncé Anglais série A 2004

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 2004


anglais    –  Série : A



         In the Third World, children have always suffered from exploitation. This is especially true of Malagasy rural children. This sort of exploitation is often disguised. Children seem not to realize it though it does have some bad side effects, especially in the educational field.

         At a very early age, as soon as she is strong enough to help her parents , a rural girl has to take part in the daily family tasks. The older she gets, the more responsibility she must assume. She has to take care of the baby. Besides, she cannot avoid the family chores such as pestling rice, feeding poultry, drawing water from the river, most of the time with baby humped on her back. As for the boy, his tasks consist in collecting, preparing fire-wood, tending the cattle, scaring birds off the family rice-fields. In such conditions, little time is given to children to learn their lessons and do their homeworks.

         Moreover, most rural children are poorly nourished. Maize, cassava, sweet potatoes along with vegetables compose their diet. Meat and sometimes rice are quite a luxury for them. Sustained attention and effort at school are unlikely to be expected of such pupils. No wonder that there are so many school drop-outs. Worst of all, some parents pay little or no attention to education. They are rather reluctant to send their children to school because, for example, raising beef cattle would be more beneficial than being educated.



A-       READING COMPREHENSION                (7 points)

I°-   General text comprehension                                                            (1 point)

        1-   What does the text talk about ?                                                             (0,5 point)

        2-   In what aspect of life are Malagasy rural children disadvantaged ?       (0,5point)

II°-   TRUE, FALSE  or ING  Justify your answer :                              (1 point)

1-      Malagasy children are conscious of their situation.

2-      Children are likely to be inattentive at school.

      III°-   Fill in the chart with information from the text                                (1 point)



1-     family chores

2-     …………….


Few children attend schools

       IV°-   Find in the text                                                                           (1 point)

1-      The synonym of : well-hidden.

2-      The opposite of : to neglect

       V°-   Answer the questions                                                (3 points)

1-     Give two examples of chores girls have to do at home                         (0,5 point)

2-     Why are there so many drop-outs ?                                                 (0,5 point)

3-     Some parents think that “ raising beef  cattle would be more beneficial than being educated.” Do you approve or disapprove that mentality ? Why ?         (2 points)



B-       GRAMMAR IN USE                     (2 points)

Fill in the blanks with grammatical items:

More and more young people want to live …….1…….. their own. They don’t want to depend ………….2…………. their parents. …….3………… if their parents don’t help them at all, they ………..4………. have a lot of problems. In fact, they can’t manage …….……5…………… their parents. So ……..6………. children and parents.……….7………… try to get on …………8………..with each other.


C-       INDIRECT TEST OF SPEAKING     (4 points)

I°-   Match the utterances with the situations :                                   (1 point)

1-  I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number       a)  At the hairdresser’s

2-  I’ll pay you back tomorrow.                        b) Giving directions

                                                                 c) On the phone.

                                                                 d) Borrowing.

II°- Complete the dialogue as indicated                                             (3 points)

Father has just received his son’s school report book.

Father : your exam result wasn’t very good.

Son : ……………………, Dad. (disagreeing)

Father : you should have done better.

Son : ……………………, Dad. (expressing a regret)

Father : yes, you could have. ……………next time. (giving advice)

Son : yes, Dad. But …………………football (expressing preference)

Father : …………………….!………………………? (expressing surprise)

Son : But I’m very good at that, Dad.


D-       WRITING              (7 points)

You have read this statement in a magazine :




Do you agree or disagree ? Give your opinion in about 120 words.



Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:36