Enoncé Anglais série A 2008

Baccalauréat de l'enseignement général


Session 2008


ANGLAIS    –  Série : A


TEXT                                             Rapid population growth


Another feature of Africa’s population is its rapid growth. Africa is the fastest growing region in the world. Africa will double its population in less than 35 years at its current growth rate. In Kenya, the country with the most rapid population growth, an average woman has eight children. At Kenya’s rate of growth (4.2 percent), its population will double in 17 years.

Rapid population growth makes progress difficult. Many African nations cannot meet the needs of their people for medical care, safe drinking water, and good housing.

Population experts give several reasons for Africa’s rapid population growth. Medical research and vaccination programs have brought down the death rate. The infant mortality rate in many African countries is still high, but children who survive their early years are living longer. Second, in rural areas, most Africans are farmers. They need many children to help with the farm work and then to care for their aged parents.

 Rural families are not likely to give up having many children anytime soon. Parents see children as a blessing. Many African proverbs stress the importance of each child. The Ibo people of Nigeria ask “Gini ka nnwa” –“What counts for more than a child?” A West African proverb comments on how children contribute to family life as workers : “Each extra mouth comes attached to two extra hands”.

                                                                                            In Africa, Asia and Pacific Realm, 1998, North Carolina       

                                                                                                   State University, “Rapid population Growth” P.17

           Note : growth = increase


I - Reading comprehension             (7 pts)

A -  Find in the text                                                                                                    (0, 5 pt x 2)

1- The synonym of  “decreased”

2- The opposite of  “urban”


B -  Say if these statements are TRUE, FALSE or ING (Information Not Given)

Justify if true or false                                                                                          (0,5 pt x 2)

1- One reason for Africa’s rapid population growth is the need for more hands in the farm work.

2- The Kenyan women get their first children at the age of 17.


C -  Choose and re-write the one best answer                                                 (0,5 ptx2)

1- “The feature of Africa’s population” means

               a) The characteristics of Africa’s population

               b) The needs of Africa’s population

               c) The poverty of Africa’s population

               d) The African population’s problem


2- Many African nations cannot solve their problems because.

              a) Development is a difficult subject

              b) The growth of their population is too fast

              c) The population needs too many things

              d) They are financially weak


D -  Answer the following questions                                                                           (1 pt x2)

1- What are the causes of this Africa’s population growth, according to the text?

2- What do parents compare the children to?


E-   The following sentences are scrambled.

Re-arrange them according to the order they are presented in the text                 (2 pts)

1- Every single child means two more hands.

2- In some African places, old people are taken care by their children.

3- The African population will be twice as much as it is today in about 30 years.

4- Development is not easy when the population grows fast.


II - GRAMMAR IN USE             (2 pts)


       Fill in the blanks with the appropriate grammatical items


          My family is especially interested____1____ travelling. On weekend we enjoy going _____2_____ the countryside ___3___car. Last week, we didn’t have ____4____money ____5____ buy fuel, so dad said we’d better stay ___6___ home. I was the first to accept ____7_____idea because I can’t stand seeing ____8_____unhappy.




A -  Match the sentences in column A with those in column B                                   (0, 5 pt x4)    




1-         Black is a beautiful colour.

2-        What can I get you ?

3-        What do you do for your living ?

4-       Thank you for your help !

a-     A cup of tea, please !

b-     You’re welcome !

c-     Welcome home !

d-     Sorry, I can’t agree with you.

e-     I am a driver.


     B -   Complete the following dialogue                                                                   (0,5 pt X 4)

Zone de Texte: 1

        Jim :                             ……………………………………………………………….  

Zone de Texte: 2        Bob :     Well, what’s your problem ?

Zone de Texte: 3        Jim :                             I’m short of money.  …………………………..…………...? 

        Bob :     No problem.  ………………………………………..……..? 

        Jim :                             £100

Zone de Texte: 4        Bob :     Okay. I’ll give you a cheque.

        Jim :                             ……………… . I’ll pay you back next week.                       


IV – WRITING       (7 pts)


Why should we practise sports ? (About 120 words)



Modifié le: Friday 8 September 2017, 11:36